Une journée dédiée aux oiseaux - Jardins de Marqueyssac en Dordogne - A day dedicated to birds



Une journée dédiée aux oiseaux - Jardins de Marqueyssac en Dordogne

As part of its collaboration with the LPO (Ligue de Protection des Oiseaux – League for the Protection of Birds), Marqueyssac will dedicate an entire day to birds.
Every autumn, hundreds of millions of migratory birds leave their breeding grounds and set off on a long flight to their wintering grounds, sometimes thousands of kilometres away. They will make the same journey in the opposite direction in the spring.
Did you know, for example, that some garden birds migrate at night?
Find out more about bird migration and test your knowledge throughout this day of exhibitions, games, conferences and activities.



At 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.: “THE FASCINATING ADVENTURE

Reservation required : 05 53 31 36 36


CONSTRUCTION WORKSHOP Using kits; build your own bird house!
Summer is coming to an end! September is the start of
the great migration to the south. It will last
until November, depending on the species.
This presentation by a member of the LPO will provide answers to the following
– Why and how do birds migrate?
– The use of wind, different flight techniques and the mysterious magnetism of the earth;
– The many different migratory strategies;
– Incredible feats of endurance and speed

On their journey birds face many obstacles!
You can also find out how to follow the migrations with the LPO

BEE WORKSHOP  Come and discover bees up close and personal through a glass hive. Vincent, their beekeeper, will tell you all about the life of bees and how they make their delicious honey. Children can create a decorative bee as a souvenir of their visit.

TRACK GAME Discovering migratory birds

THE CURIOUS ABOUT NATURE WORKSHOP will be adapted especially for the theme of the day, creating bird silhouettes or building insect hotels.

Jardins de Marqueyssac en Dordogne - A day dedicated to birds